



Female Condom to Protect Against STD

Female Condom to Protect Against STD

chlamydia transmission A female condom developed by researchers not only provides contraception but also wards off sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) developed the condom from tiny microfibres through a method called 'electrospinning'. They are then designed to dissolve after use, either within minutes or over several days.

Not only would the condom block sperm, it could time-release a potent mix of anti-HIV drugs and hormonal contraceptives, the Daily Mail reported.

Kim Woodrow, assistant professor of bio-engineering at Washington, said: "Our dream is to create a product women can use to protect themselves from HIV infection and unintended pregnancy. We have the drugs to do that. It's really about delivering them in a way that makes them more potent, and allows a woman to want to use it."

Woodrow presented the idea, and co-authors Emily Krogstad and Cameron Ball, both first-year graduate students, agreed to pursue the project, at a meeting held last year.

Ball added: "This method allows controlled release of multiple compounds. We were able to tune the fibres to have different release properties."

One of the fabrics dissolves within minutes, offering users immediate protection, while another fabric dissolves gradually over a few days, providing an alternative to the birth-control pill, to provide contraception and protect against HIV.


Chlamydia Damages Sperm, Experts Found

Chlamydia Damages Sperm, Experts Found

chlamydia transmission, which is often known as the silent disease because it has few symptoms, reduces a man's ability to produce children, they found.

Research has found Chlamydia damages sperm
 The disease, which is still on the rise in the UK, is more well known for making women infertile if left untreated.

But now researchers, led by Dr Jose Fernandez from Canalejo University Hospital in La Coruna, Spain, have discovered how chlamydia also affects men.

They looked at the damaged sperm of 143 men from infertile couples and compared it with sperm from 50 fertile men.


The infertile men had chlamydia and another common urinary tract infection called Mycoplasma.

The level of damage - or DNA fragmentation - in the infertile men's sperm was more than three times higher than in healthy men.

The concentration of their sperm, its ability to swim quickly and defects in the shape of it were also poor when compared with the healthy volunteers.

The experts then treated 95 of the infertile men with antibiotics and found their DNA sperm damage improved an average of 36% after four months.

During that period, 13% of the couples got pregnant and, after the treatment was finished, 86% got pregnant.

The findings were released today at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference in Washington DC.

Figures published in July by the Health Protection Agency showed a 4% rise in chlamydia between 2005 and 2006, from 109,418 cases to 113,585.

Experts have been particularly concerned about rates of chlamydia among young people, with the NHS launching a national screening programme.

In 2006/07, 115,073 women under 25 were screened but experts are urging more young men to get tested, with only 31,126 screened during the same period.

Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield and Secretary of the British Fertility Society, said more needed to be done to target the younger generation.

He said: "The message is that we might think of chlamydia as a disease that damages female fertility, but we need to think again.

"It does damage female fertility, but it appears to damage male fertility too.

"The thing that drives most men to sexual health clinics is symptoms, and chlamydia is often symptom-free.

"Chlamydia is getting out of control. We have got to encourage men as well as women to go for screening, but men are more reluctant to do this if they don't have symptoms.

"It is the 18 to 25 age group that is of most concern. There should be a page on Facebook you can log onto and sort screening out."

Dr Fernandez said more research was needed to follow up his study.

And he added: "We've developed a new technique that allows us to look at the extent of DNA fragmentation in sperm cells using a microscope. "The purpose of our work was to analyse if there's an increase in fragmentation of DNA with infection.

"It was found after four months of treatment there was a significant decrease in DNA damage that could improve pregnancy rates in these couples.

"Fertility clinics should check for these infections."

How Chlamydia Evolves into New Strains

How Chlamydia Evolves into New Strains

The bacteria that chlamydia transmission, the world's most common sexually transmitted disease, seems to be sneakier than once thought, as a new study suggests it frequently exchanges DNA between different strains to form entirely new strains.

Chlaymydia is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis, and though its symptoms are often mild, the sexually transmitted disease can cause infertility in women and a discharge from the penis of an infected man. Chlamydia is the most common bacterial STD in the world, including in the U.S. where more than 1.3 million cases were reported in 2010.  About 100 million cases of Chlamydia are reported each year across the globe.

Scientists know there are two groups of Chlamydia strains, one that seems to infect the eyes and urinary-genital areas, and another set known to spread through the lymphatic system, which is important to the body's immune system. Currently, an epidemic of the lymphatic types is progressing in Europe and North America, particularly in men who have sex with men, the researchers note online today (March 11) in the journal Nature Genetics.

However, little is known about how these different strains evolve and emerge.

"Scientists recently discovered that if two Chlamydia strains co-infect the same person at the same time, they can swap DNA by a process called recombination," lead researcher Dr. Simon Harris, from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, said in a statement.

To find out how widespread this swapping is, Harris and colleagues compared the genome sequences of 53 strains of C. trachomatis, which were isolated from epidemics that occurred between 1959 and 2009; the strains were meant to represent the diversity of Chlamydia seen in clinical settings. Results showed that even when the Chlamydia strains had infected different parts of the body, they could still swap DNA with each other, leading to new strains. [Quiz: Test Your STD Smarts]

Recombination "was originally thought only to affect a few 'hotspots' within the genome," Harris said. "We were very surprised to find recombination is far more widespread than previously thought."

The results have implications for how the STD is diagnosed. Currently, doctors use a test that returns a positive or negative for Chlamydia infections, without any information on the particular strain. That means doctors can't tell, say, if a person who tests positive again after being treated with antibiotics has picked up a second strain of Chlamydia or if their treatment has failed.

While antibiotic-resistant Chlamydia has not been seen in patients, it does occur in the lab. If it did occur in the general population, current tests would not detect it.

"Until now a person treated with antibiotics with a reoccurring infection of C. trachomatis was assumed to have been re-infected," study researcher Dr. Nicholas Thomson, also of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, said in a statement. "The current gaps in our understanding of the population makeup of Chlamydia limit our ability to implement health policies, because we do not fully understand how Chlamydia spreads within our population."

The scientists are now working with hospitals to bring technologies for whole-genome sequencing into clinical settings.

NBA 2K17 will be postponed to Bryant theme of the legendary edition

  • NBA 2K17 will be postponed to Bryant theme of the legendary edition

Visual Concepts and 2K Sports development team has just announced that they plan to NBA 2k18 MT Kobe Bryant to be the theme of the legendary edition. This "NBA 2K17 Legends Edition (Legend Edition of NBA 2K17)" will cover Kobe Bryant, sales in kind will have a limited edition poster, the poster of course, Kobe Bryant, and Bryant 2 star cards, 1 a Kobe gamepad sticker.



30,000 players can get the game virtual currency, Limited MyTeam package, No. 8 jersey, Bryant hoodie, Nike shoes are made. This special edition of the legendary only for PS4 and Xbox One release two platforms, players can subscribe to the digital edition or print edition.

Bryant will retire, the game is to pay tribute to him. Visual Concpets and 2K Games will be in the NBA 2016 Finals of the road, held in June (NBA 2K16 Road to the Finals) were officially released.

Visual Concepts has not yet released any official information on the new version of the game game mechanics, but the vast majority of players for the 2016 edition have been quite satisfied. EA for the time being has not yet announced a new plan to own NBA game in the series, it is unclear whether this year will release buy mt nba 2k18 competition works.

NBA 2K18 Release to Match Steph Curry’s NBA Playoff Expertise

  • NBA 2K18 Release to Match Steph Curry’s NBA Playoff Expertise

Now that we know NBA2K17 is coming this September, fans are eager to view sneak peaks of your game.



After nba mt coins announced it was placing Bryant on the cover, fans discussed the move. Although many named it a fitting tribute, other individuals pointed out that the game-maker always puts out the well-liked players around the cover, who could not necessarily be fan favorites. Other people pointed by Kobe was on 2K13 cover too and wondered who other individuals could have created it.

Kobe around the cover, who make the playoff?

Watch the 2016 NBA playoffs and you’ll notice that Steph Curry is nearly unstoppable. In genuine life Curry can hit 3 pointers that other players can only dream of connecting with. In relation to recreating a virtual

Steph Curry for NBA 2K16 that's a problem, and it is a single that may possibly see a fix with the NBA 2K17 release this year.

That is what you'll want to know concerning the possible Curry NBA 2K16 patch and why you could must wait for the NBA 2K17 release date to play like the Warrior’s leader.

Games depend on engines that use logic to establish the likelihood of hitting a specific shot, and Curry simply does not match the mold that NBA 2K games use to decide if a player will make the shot - be it from 35
feet out, below pressure or in visitors.

Even having a 99 rating for three-point shots in Cheap NBA 2K18, Steph Curry can not hit the exact same shots within the game as he sinks in true life every single night through the 2017 NBA playoffs.

Essentially Steph Curry is too excellent for the game engine to account for his capability to make 3 pointers. That’s something that the developers are wanting to fix using the NBA 2K17 release, and possibly having a NBA 2K16 update.


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